Sacred Cube / Meditation Sanctuary
Architectural Design

Meditation sanctuary in the country side of Mangatarata, New Zealand.
This project comes as a response to Earth Energies Sanctuary’s desire for a tranquil, balanced, and protected meditation space that is enfolded by the natural world.

The concept is inspired by the project’s location, referred to as “sacred spot” – an energetically powerful meditation circle belted by six trees. The design is influenced by the principles of sacred geometry. By placing the meditator in the center of the circle of trees, it emulates a Metatron’s Cube. This cube symbolizes the balanced flow of energy in the universe, as well as the relationship of body/soul with the energy of fire, earth, air, water, aether, and light. 
Very simple in its form, the structure is absorbed by the natural surroundings, strengthening the experience of connection between the meditator and the natural world. 

Arch_003 / Architectural Design
Type: Multifunction/Public Space Design
Role: Architect, Design Lead
Year: 2021
Status: Architectural Contest
Client: Earth’s Energies Sanctuary
Location: New Zealand

Developed for an international architecture
competition in partnership with Martin Knap


Arch_005 B&8th / Architecture Design


Int_001 Casa Awolly / Interior Design